Bridges to Exotic Vibes

When I was young in school, I wondered if I could afford to look at the sky in the city center, which is a series of traffic, smoke, and busyness of the mind during rush hour in a complex city. Falling alone didn't mean much to being bullied because I had to go where I had to go at that age together. Perhaps that's why the poem "Standing Alone" was once famous. It must have been a time when standing alone required great courage. A few years ago, as telecommuting increased after the pandemic, I could see the population of large cities dispersed to satellite cities, and during that period, the air was quite clean even in the city. The appearance of blue skies and lumpy clouds floating through the tall buildings in downtown also made me feel modern. I vividly remember my mother, who liked to drink coffee at coffee shops, and I had the time to drink coffee with her while visiting a coffee shop that served as a resting place in the city center.

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