A's Choice

I read the news that the Oakland A's will be playing at Sacramento's Triple-A stadium starting in 2025. When I went to spring camp and watch a minor league game, I went to Salt Lake City in Utah and the baseball stadium in Las Vegas as Trip A ballpark, but I never watched the triple A game in person. Then, I visited Oakland because it was going to play its home game in Sacramento for a while. If I poke a cloud with a needle in the cloudy sky, it looked as if it would rain any time soon. On the way to Davis yesterday, there was heavy rain for about an hour. I felt like I was getting clean my body and mind because it's been a while since I drove in the rain, but I always get nervous about the drive in the rain. In Davis, the weather is very harsh, maybe because it's been raining. I headed to a cafe even though I didn't drink a lot of coffee. I ordered warm coffee and settled down, and a young man next to me was watching a soccer game. When I asked which team it was playing, he said it's German soccer. So I asked "Bundesliga?" and he nodded. After drinking a cup of coffee, I felt warmed up a lot. After drinking coffee, I thought of my mother for some reason. 


There are several face sculptures that resemble eggheads in UC Davis. It seems to mean something like an amulet to do well on the exam. It seemed to have the charm of walking around campus in the cold wind. I was using a laptop in the building, and when a school clerk checked the charger to charge her smartphone, and when there was no response, She seemed to be looking for Power Outlet. So I said that I'll leave soon and telling her to use my Outlet. She thanked, but I didn't think she had to. Whether they were on a visitor tour or a guide, several young people followed the guide, and they listened carefully to each word. It's a good school for those who want to study because it's a countryside atmosphere. The ballpark is not that far away. I bought a ticket and entered, but due to the weather, there were not many spectators. The minor league game in Southern California was Single A, but watching Single A games felt like volunteering in the countryside, and Triple A was like a school sports day when I was in school. Single A was quiet and family-like, but Triple A felt the energy of the city. 

The stadium wasn't that big. Some Triple-A stadiums can accommodate more than 20,000 people, but Sacramento seems to be crowded there even if the stadiums sell out. Triple-A was speedier and more dynamic if most of the pitchers' speed in Single-A were in the mid-80s and the infielders and outfielders were consistent with their basics. I occasionally see a steady play. I was watching the game, and a foul ball hit right next to me and went into the table. A white student throwing himself in the back gave the ball first. I saw he had already a ball, so I asked him what it would be like to give me one, and the young people behind me shouted for him to give it to them. He put a ball on the table and told everyone to pick it up, then his friend behind me ran over and took it. He pointed at me and told him to give it to me, but apparently, the student with the ball didn't think he would do it, so I smiled and passed by. The view of downtown Sacramento from behind the stadium was great, but coming to Triple-A Stadium in Sacramento, not to Triple-A Stadium in Las Vegas, seemed like a proper choice of A's.